Sunday, September 2, 2018


S(h)ipping   Reporter  makes  contact  with  famous explorer  in  séance ; exclusive   photographs  from  Cook's  1770  dangerous  voyage  of  discovery in  Queensland waters .

In  a  dark cellar at   Molly Malone's Irish Pub  in Townsville , I recently called up  Captain  Cook  on  the  other  side, who  was  attending  a barbecue with  Sir Frank and   Kerry Packer  , discussing   luxury yachts and  cricket  , and  asked  him  how  he discovered  what  is  now  known  as  Magnetic Island . 
Captain Cook  responded   by  revealing   he nearly came to grief   trying to  find  Magnetic Island .  His cheap , made in China compass was  on  the  blink , the crew  were  threatening  mutiny , they had run out of  Vegemite   and  the drunken  first mate had dropped the spyglass , making  it  hard  to  focus. All the time , there was   the fear of  running aground on  the  reef due to  swirling mist .

The tense situation  eased somewhat, he said , when there  was the  welcome cry of , Land-Ho!  As the sea fog cleared ,  there  was   the first glimpse  of  a  distant  shore  with  a  strange  native  sign , below .  
 The  tipsy first  mate  declared it was  in French , not English . "The bloody  froggies  have  been here ahead of us , "he added ,  and spat on the deck , making it shine for the first time  in a month .

Captain Cook  had  also  expectorated on  the  tar and oakum on  hearing this   , then  whipped  out his Box Brownie  and took a  photograph of the offensive  sign ,  which  he  kindly  telegraphed  to  our award winning   S(h)ipping   Reporter, the  only  one north of Onehunga , during  the   paranormal event  in  the pub  , almost  250  years  later .  
Something in  Captain Cook's  mind   urged  him  on to   find  a place he wanted to  call  Magnetical   Isle . However  , the  weird  ,  illegible  sign   above  could  have resulted  in  his ship being  damaged  or  plunging  Queensland into the dark  ages  if  he  had  dropped  the  pick .  

 Fearful  of   running  aground , he tacked  and went  looking for  help to  find  this  isle , this mystical  paradise that existed  in  his fevered  mind  .
Swept along by  dangerous  currents , he said   the Endeavour   nearly  crashed into what  seemed to be a  ferry  terminal , which  appeared to be  run by  Cook's Tours, no relation , with   badly   faded   writing   on  its signs ,  but the destination   Magnetic   Island  could  just  be  made out .

Shouting "Eureka !", Captain Cook had  slipped into  reverse,  found   the nearby elusive   Magnetical  Isle , now  Townsville's  Jewel in  the Crown , missing from   mainland  media  maps .  Captain  Cook confided that he had narrowly avoided running aground  in  finding  the  place  and  had   the  bottom  been ripped out of the vessel  and  it went  ashore to be repaired  , Townsville  would  have  been  named  Cooktown  or  Snoozeville .