The Federal Coalition , having tried everything under the sun and hand to bring down the Gillard Government ,with the help of mining magnates, goose stepping media mates and other vested interests , is showing signs of becoming incredibly desperate to grab the reins of office. As a result , it has called in these champion trumpet blowers who brought down the walls of Jericho with their tootling to circle parliament house and drown out any good news for the nation . It is likely that the perpetually flabbergasted Shadow Boxer , Joe Hockeysticks , will join the trumpeters - dressed in a Salvation Army uniform , beating discordantly on a big bass drum . Christopher will join in with his squeaky piccolo . Don’t look now, but it seems one of the gun trumpeters has dropped a pickle or a semi quaver into a most embarrassing position . (Postcards from Little Darwin Ephemera Collection .)