Thursday, November 10, 2011


US General Douglas MacArthur wants to return to Darwin and, to use a shock and awe military expression, kick ass, from the top.

Little Darwin alerted “ government strategist,” Fred McCue , to the fact that Darwin’s War Memorial has glaring errors , and asked what steps the Chief Minister, Paul Henderson, will take to remedy this extremely embarrassing situation. Oddly, there was no response . We asked again . No response . Let it be known that anybody –ANYBODY-including some who seem not to have advanced much beyond writing on slates , that we do not desist.

Apart from US president Obama expected to pay homage to those killed in conflicts when he makes his stopover here in a matter of days , next year will be the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Darwin by the Japanese . These are the memorial errors which should have been picked up years ago : the Philippines is wrongly given as Phillipines ; Netherlands East Indies is incorrectly Netherland’s East Indies and instead of United Nations Peacekeeping , it is United Nation Peacekeeping . If these errors are not corrected by February 19 next year , then Darwin should hang its head in shame-especially the Chief Minister, the Darwin City Council, the RSL, the large committee planning next year’s 70th anniversary, and others.