Wednesday, October 5, 2011


* Typical rabid Tory terrier terrorising Terra Australis

Australia is facing an outbreak of mad dog disease brought on by crazed right-wing politics , according to an RSPCA warning . It says dog catchers throughout the nation are exhausted coping with the many werewolves and media mongrels rushing about like dogs chasing a bitch on heat. Staff at the Australian Capital Territory pound have been run ragged rounding up barking and frothing at the mouth canines. A nasty little imported Sydney Shih-Tzu, injected with Chinese Nine Dog , disturbed the peace of Canberra for many a day until, thankfully , run over by a convoy of trucks.

Another nondescript, angry, snarling woofer frequently attacks the heels of Senator Brown and bicycle riders and is obviously suffering from rabies, posing a threat to the nation. The ACT pound is full of feeble bush-bred chuhuahuas and snappy Jack Russells , all destined to be put down tomorrow, which will be a great relief for country dwellers.

Reithweilers, badly in need of worming, are another savage breed causing problems for slave labour on the waterfront and other sweat shops across the wide brown land . Down Adelaide way there are several strange looking mutts suffering from the parvo virus which should be given the needle ASAP. Here in Darwin, an attack dog, known as Ding Dong Donovan by long suffering neighbours, frequently disturbs the peace,making more noise than cracker night , which runs 11 months of the year.