Thursday, July 8, 2021


 An uninvited  trombone player, above ,   flew  into a  birthday party  arranged  by  the Queen of  the Jungle  for one  of  her ladies -in - waiting  on  the  verandah  of   the  leafy  island  royal   estate . 

The cry went up:  What bird is that ?  The Queen , very knowledgeable about  wildlife , found it  hard to  focus  on the  feathered  intruder , so she dashed off to  get   binoculars.   

Face on , it appeared  to  have two white spots on its head. It took a 1972 reprint of  What Bird Is That  ? by Neville W. Caley to identify  it is a Forest Kingfisher Halcyon macleayi, named  after  W.S.Macleay, a noted figure in the natural history of  New South Wales

The  following day there was another  wildlife  surprise for  the  lucky birthday  lady- in- waiting  - a  snake in  her garden, so she did not wait  around ,  took flight  .