Seeking new spooky locations for the Midsomer Murders series, the BBC should consider the Darwin residence of the wretched activist , agronomist and failed giant pumpkin grower, Rob Wesley-Smith, and the dangerous, cluttered , fetid Little Darwin den.
In one Midsomer Murders episode a killer had towering piles of newspapers which he used to crush victims to death. Take a peek at Wesley-Smith , below , sitting at his desk , with his indexed newspaper filing system , and you can see his residence could easily be converted into a beaut setting for a similar , brutal murder.
In addition , there are dark and foreboding places on his rural property ... a black billabong , a nearby swamp, feral Dragonfruit which slither about like triffids consuming humans and there are strange stories about visiting Timorese nuns kept in a shipping container .
Despite strong competition from Wesley-Smith , Little Darwin believes it is an ideal setting for a macabre serial killing. In the editorial cell there is a pile of bound in old newspapers going back to the 1880s , dusty old bottles dug up in the Northern Territory, hundreds of books being munched by noisy bookworms, a poltergeist , heaps of tottering plastic containers marked SPOOF, TOP SECRET, X-FILE . Dracula the cheese eating Coucal drops in from time to time to give the place a truly eerie feeling .
Inside the gloomy Little Darwin infirmary, above, the resident Mexican poltergeist can be seen shimmering at the backdoor, a detached foot floats about the room , a Roumanian hammer and sickle flag flutters (bet the AFP examines our metadata after this post ) and the Northern Territory flag is flying in a way which indicates the dysfunctional government there is going the way of the Titanic, the deckchairs unable to be rearranged as they are full of white ants and crumble into bulldust on touch.