Friday, February 23, 2018


Literate  Irish  backpackers being lumbered  by police for misbehaving   in Darwin's lively  Mitchell  Street nightclub  precinct  have been known to  cheekily point out  that  the  spelling of  an  Irish bar -Shenaniganns-  is incorrect. 

Now that the 21 year old  Irish themed  pub , also known as Shags,  has been bought by the Melbourne based  Australian Venue Club  Co , formerly  Dixon Hospitality , it is hoped the spelling blue  will be  made green , Shenanigans .  The company, in which the global investment  firm KKR became a major shareholder , also bought  another  popular  nearby  nightspot , Monsoons , and  has other  interests in  NSW  and   Queensland . 
With  recent  changes in the ownership  of   businesses  in  the  hospitality  field in Darwin , there is speculation that  a build up of  American  Marines  may  see  a lot of  people drinking rum and  Coca-Cola , working for  the Yankee   dollar .