Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Media  services   in  Queensland  and  the Northern Territory  have  been subjected  to   seemingly endless  cutbacks  and staff reductions  , which  is  detrimental  in many ways  to  the  communities they  serve .  Due  to Fairfax  Media merging with  Macquarie Radio , about 18 jobs went  at  4BC in  Brisbane  in  April.

In addition , Fairfax  has restructured its operations in  rural and regional areas of Australia  . This includes the  Mount  Isa daily , North West Star, Queensland , now produced  three times a week.  Changes have also been made  at the North Queensland Register ,Townsville,  and  Brisbane's Queensland Country  Life. The  Katherine , Northern Territory , newspaper  is  also caught up in the  Fairfax slashing .
From June 30, the Murdoch owned  Townsville Bulletin  will  include its free Townsville  Sun, the  first Sun freebie started  in Darwin  to stifle competition,the name Darwin Sun  then  belonging  to  nudists after a  free beach . It seems an agreement  was  made  between  the   unclad   and  Rupert  to let him use  the name . 
The Murdoch  empire continued to  gobble up any new independent  paper  which started  in  the  Darwin  area. There is  an interesting ABC interview with the people involved in a  new Top End rural publication  in which they almost fell over themselves to  say  it was not  intended to take on the NT News  and Murdoch . 
 Today  the  only  publication  not  to have  succumbed to the Murdoch might in the Darwin area  is  produced at  Mandorah , across  the  harbour .

The Townsville  Bulletin's circulation  has not been flash and its  digital  issue  attracts  a small number of  readers. There  were ominous signs early last year  when  the  shop  selling  the News papers at the   ferry terminal  , through which large numbers of  people pass, no longer wanted  to  do so.  Looking about the  town, bundles of  unwrapped  Townsville  Sun were  often  seen   near display stands .  
By contrast,  Murdoch's Northern Territory News  in Darwin , recently the subject of a Sydney Morning Herald article highlighting , yet again, the bizarre  headings, posters and stories  in the paper, has strong sales and its weird  yarns often  go  viral  online . It helps when visiting  prime ministers , addicted to flattery ,  say  the  front page of  the  paper  is  the  first  thing  they look  for  each  day .  
In Brisbane , News Corporation   closed down its free afternoon newspaper handed out to  commuters, mainly at railway stations.  Similar papers were  axed in Melbourne and  Sydney, resulting  in  the  loss  of  30  jobs.

There has been  speculation about a reduction of media  news staff and bulletins   in  Queensland  regional   television  stations.