Friday, April 1, 2011


From Melbourne , home of the Comedy Festival and seemingly awash with comedians , comes a suggestion that the time is ripe for another political romp like the TV series Rubbery Figures .

There are lingering fond memories of the days when brilliant comedian Max Gillies got inside a bean bag to send up the rotund , mud crab and prawn munching Queensland minister, Russ Hinze , who departed stage left before corruption charges could be heard. Already some huffing and puffing reporters and conservatives with a Tele Tubby build are unkindly referred to as the Bean Bag Brigade.

A bug-eyed bean bag wearing Speedos would surely be enough to make Ian Thorpe give up his return to the deep end . Dyspeptic observers of political reporting in Australia have informed Little Darwin that an hilarious and outrageous send up of some of the shock jocks and scribes who pontificate about all things political could be written .