Attempts to wow women prove exhausting.
A frequent visitor to Little Darwin's clothesline is this Great Bowerbird intent on snaffling one or more of the highly desirable bright metal pegs with which to decorate its bower to attract a female.
Unfortunately , the pegs are spring loaded and refuse to be taken away , which annoys the bird . This causes him to fly about the yard looking for other desirable gems , which include green and blue objects , bright threads .
Still , he regularly comes back to the clothesline ,often when it is draped with washing , and after a hard day tugging pegs and looking for bullion to dazzle a flighty feathered femme who believes diamonds and ingots are a girl's best friend, recovers by sunbaking.
After a hard day picking up bullion in his campaign to attract a feathered female who believes diamonds and ingots are a girl's best friend , he is shown resting , sunbaking .