Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 A raid  on  the   unsuspecting  North Queensland  sugar  town  of   Ingham  by a   Little Darwin  squad  keen to feed the  local turtles in the wetlands   and  search  for  books , ephemera   and  assorted  oddities in  local  op shops  and  other  places of interest    resulted  in  a   mixed  bag .  

Their  finds , would you  believe,  included  souvenir tea  spoons  which seem  to  be   greater  in  number  than  cane toads   in  the North . 

The  spoons  included   two from  New Zealand - Auckland Harbour Bridge and the  inter- island  ferry  terminal port of   Picton .The   Auckland Bridge  was expanded from four to eight lanes by adding designed and  prefabricated in Japan  parts in 1969 , resulting  in the structures  becoming known  as   the Nippon  Clipons .

Several spoons  were   from  Queensland -Mount Isa Mines and   Roma .  One  spoon  , for  Port Arthur, Tasmania , highlighted   Australia's  convict  history . Founded in 1830, it "housed"12,500  convicts before closing in  l877.  

During WW ll ,  the  Day Dawn Hotel  in   Ingham  was drunk dry by  American troops passing through , which inspired  local poet Dan Sheahan to write A Pub Without Beer. It was later  turned into the   popular song   The Pub With No Beer by Gordon Parsons and  sung  by  Slim  Dusty .

The  Day Dawn Hotel is  now  Lee's Hotel . Wonder if any of these  spoons  were  pinched  -souvenired- from  that  important   historic watering  hole  over   the  years  ?  

One of  the interesting  books  found in Ingham  was A Woman of  Independence , by Kirsty Sword Gusmao, which tells of her  involvement  in  the  struggle for East Timor independence . 

Unforunately , our team could  not feed the  resident  Krefft's  short -necked  turtles  because there is now a ban on going down to  the wetland edges , apparently  to  prevent  a  crocodile  rising  up  and  reducing your  footwear to  a tasty   thong   with  no   toes. 

Locals reported it  has been a  poor  sugarcane  season  and there  is  industrial strife  at  the mill . Surely  Ingham  is   not   a  looming   town   with  no   sucre ?  

(Spoons, Turtles ,Beer.)