Friday, September 20, 2024


Seriously , Australia  needs  a   centre  where   activists such as  the late Pete Steedman  are  commemorated  with  statues, plaques, videos , light shows  , regular  festivals.

The  above  startling  cartoon  shows  a  statue  of  Steedman , he  with a  raised  finger  to fascists  and  power mad  regimes ,   armed with a knife  , being  pulled down in Morocco .

He is  clad  in a leather jacket ,  jeans   and  boots , his regular  attire when  an  ALP  member of  parliament  and judged Australian Politician of the Year  by  the Canberra  Times .  

The  great  drawing  was   the work of  architect, author ,  activist    and a  longtime  friend , Peter  Burleigh , who penned and  illustrated a  marvellous , madcap  travelogue  about  the  time he and  Steedman  made   a  dangerous overland  trip in a dodgy van  from  London  to  Afghanistan .
Along the way they rendezvoused   with Steedman's   girlfriend ,  model Julie Reiter, later his first  wife .  Steedman  was involved in an unfortunate misunderstanding over payment  of a  bill   in  India  , resulting in him  brandished  a flick knife and  telling  Julie to defend herself  with a tomahawk  carried  in  a  suitcase , if  attacked  by  a  wild  mob .

There was another  episode on  the trip  where   Steedman saved their bacon  by  jumping  out  with a weapon when men came  pounding on  the  van door  late  at  night  demanding  money . 

It is  fact that  Steedman also brandished a  knife  when  American  singer-songwriter  Bob Dylan -The Times They Are A-Changin'- unexpectedly knocked  on  his  door in  Melbourne  at  night . 

During his life  Pete  received  death threats and  much abuse   because of his fearless  stance on many  issues , including  opposition  to  the Vietnam War,  

The  writer of this post knows of a  Darwin incident  in which a man threatened  to  kill  Steedman  with a  knife.    

This  month's  well  attended   celebration  in  the Melbourne  Trades Hall of Steedman's extraordinary  life even  attracted the attention of  a  serial  gatecrasher  , who  was  given  the bum's rush. 

  Australia's first female  prime minister , Julia Gillard  , sent a  video message in  which she told  of her  early contact with the notably bad mouthed Steedman  , describing  him  as  unique in  the true sense of  the  word . 

Former distinguished  politician Gareth  Evans,  who knew Steedman  from university student days in Melbourne in  the l960s, delivered  an entertaining   speech, a small part follows , in  which he  said  Steedman was an extraordinary combination .   
"On the one hand, potty-mouthed student enfant terrible, potty-mouthed middle-aged enfant terriblelegendary campus lothario, bikie hoon, wild-eyed political radical and provocateur, and keeper of the nation’s largest and most meticulously catalogued dirt files (as comprehensive, I suspect as ASIO’s, although with a rather different cast of characters).

"But also a brilliantly innovative journalist and editor, shrewdly pragmatic political professional, highly disciplined grassroots political campaigner, hugely capable publishing and music industry administrator, effective and respected trade union official, loving partner, father, and grandfather and – perhaps most implausible of all to those who only knew him at a distance (but I’ll explain), sweet-natured gentleman."

During those university years ,he said Steedman had been the heart and  soul of protest  against  long neglected social issues – including censorship, abortion, capital punishment, Indigenous  disadvantage and  White Australia  racism , apartheid  and  opposition  to the Vietnam War .

He recalled  an episode in  a Vietnam War  debate in which fanatically anti-communist  Dr Frank Knopfelmacher  said : " My only objection to you ,Steedman, is  that  you exist .The gas chamber is too good for you. You are filth and vermin."

The following is not  from  the Gareth Evans speech but is inspired by the above  abuse  hurled at  Steedman  by Dr Knopfelmacher . 

 Pete Steedman  once told the writer of this post that  he  only had  one  hero - Simon Wiesenthal -  a survivor of  the Nazi  death camps, who set up the Jewish Documentation Centre, Vienna, which documented the crimes of the Holocaust and  hunted down  nearly 1100 Nazi war criminals.  

At the end of World War II, thousands of Nazis who participated in the systematic murder of some 6,000,000 Jews and millions of Gypsies, Poles and other "inferior" peoples, slipped through the Allied net and escaped to countries around the globe, where many  lived in freedom.  

Near the  end of his life , Steedman  expressed   concern about  rising  right  political  parties  in  Europe  and  some of the  extreme groups and individuals   taking  part  in   demonstrations  in   Australia  .