Sunday, July 31, 2022


 With mango trees   bursting into flower    early  , there  are  concerns that  what is called  the  Mango Madness  Season could  be  longer  and  more  debilitating.   On   Magnetic Island ,  the mango trees  are  a mass of   flowers .One longtime  resident , who  has a large  tree  on  his property, which months ago was  photographed, below , with  a  massive   display of  new leaves ,  said  it  seemed  the  changing  weather  was  responsible. 

 Now  there are  many  mango trees on  the island -see below - and on  the mainland  displaying  extensive   flowers . When  fruit  forms  it  will attract  large numbers of   screeching  flying  foxes  at  night  to  disturb  sleep.

Mango Madness  has long been   medically  recognised  in the  Northern Territory capital, Darwin . It starts  in  the trying,  sweaty  build up  period before  the Wet  proper  arrives,  creating  anxiety , stress , hostility , reduced   sleep , loss  of  appetite ,  heavy   drinking . 

Darwin even  stages  a   Mango  Madness  Festival  in a  bid  to  ease  the  strain .  This involves  eating the  tasty fruit , downing  large quantities of  the  juice,  creative  art .

This  year it  looks like   a  case  of  if  COVID  ,   or  the  flu  , or   Monkeypox  don't   get   you ,  the  extended  Mango  Madness Season , with  attendant   screeching  fruit  bats  , will   drive  you  troppo. 

Saturday, July 30, 2022


At  first , Little Darwin was  reluctant to run this  exclusive  Shipping Reporter  post  because of  the possible   adverse  affect  it  might  have   on  choice  island  real  estate  . He  insisted there are  clear signs  that  Magnetic Island is  being   secretly  prepared  for  rising  sea  levels.  What ?  Produce  the   evidence  for such  a  dramatic statement  which claims parts of   Townsville's  Jewel- in - the Crown  will  be  turned  into  something like sinking  Kiribati, we demanded. 

From  his   soggy  kitbag the  waterfront  roundsman  whipped out  his camera   and   presented  his  case. 

He started off by saying that,  months ago,  the popular   Nelly  Bay beach  had  been closed  off  for  dune restoration  .This was carried out   under the Nelly Bay Shoreline Management  Plan  drawn up for the Townsville City Council  in  2010, an  extensive document , slightly smaller than the Encyclopedia  Britannica.

As a  result of the  latest  work, there  is a  high  ridge  of  sand ,some of  it overgrown , above  the   level  of  the   foreshore   public space  which includes  a  barbecue area , seating  and a  playground  , making  it  difficult  to  get  down to the beach . There is evidence of  some brave  mountain climbers having   conquered  the  mound  and  blazed a  trail down  to   the  beach .   


The Shipping  Reporter  saved his most telling  pictorial  evidence for  the last , shown  below , which  he  claims is  an  Australian  version  of  the  very  seat  in  which  Good King  Canute of Denmark, Norway  and England  sat  when  asked  to  stop  the waves coming in.  He   summised  that in the event of  rising  sea  levels  an  Anglo-Saxon solution  will  be  found   to  Nelly Bay's  inundation , similar to  the act of  a certain  brave  little  Dutch  boy .  

The Shipping Reporter broke this  unique   story  after  having  again  wet  his whistle at the  new  Magnetic  Island  Brewery  at  Picnic  Bay.    

Friday, July 29, 2022



Alma Bay, Magnetic Island . Vallis photographs.  


Life  changed direction  in  Compass  Crescent . Vallis photo.          

Thursday, July 28, 2022


The mysterious,mutilated mermaid of Magnetic Island has  been  manhandled   yet  again , as  this  exclusive   Shipping  Reporter photograph    reveals .  Not only  has  the pullover  with  an advertisement for a concrete  company  been  yanked up , exposing her to the  biting  waterfront winds, but it seems  her  cut  out   fingers  attached  to one  sleeve may have  also  fallen  off or disappeared for  some  reason . 

In the past , the horrific treatment she has endured, without  the  filleted  and  battered   mainland  media  noticing ,  included  having  her head  and arms pulled off  and , shock  horror, the  head of Scott  Morrison, obviously bought  from  a  reject shop for  a   (coal )  pittance  ,  placed  on  top .    


If  anybody  deserves  a  state  funeral  for  extensive  service  to   the  nation, the Territory in particular,  it  is  Shirley Collins .  

The  daughter of  a  Stolen Generation  mother, as a young girl , she  worked in a   Darwin  Chinese soft  drink  factory  and  then   as  a  " Girl  Friday"  in  the Northern Territory News .

She  went on to  play a  large  part   promoting  Aboriginal  art , craft   and  fashion  overseas   and   nationally.  

By  Peter  Simon 

 She  ran  the  highly regarded  Raintree  Aboriginal  Art   Gallery   in   Darwin  from  1986  to 2005.  Over  the  years she  held  exhibitions in   the  USA  for  the  America's Cup  on  Rhode Island  and  in  Japan,  promoting  growing  interest   generally   in    Australia  and   the   Northern  Territory  along  the  way .

Last  year she published her  life story ,above,  which  included my account of the  shabby treatment  she  had received   due to  her  involvement   in  the   Bank of  America  Down Under Tour in the lead  up to the Sydney Olympics  in a  replica of  the  Sydney  Opera  House .

Invited to take part in the 2000  Down Under Tour by the  Australian Tourist   Commission  , Collins  borrowed  $160,000   and  arranged   for  Aboriginal   art   from   parts  of  the Territory to be   shipped  to  America  , some of  it  to  be  sold  along  the  way . 

However , arriving in  America, it was discovered that the  Bank of America  had changed  the terms and conditions , all proceeds from  the  tour    to  go  to the US Olympic Council . She was forced to return to Australia .

The outcome  of  what was   admitted to be  Australian official   bungling  was that she became the acknowledged scapegoat for the mistakes and misinformation of others .  As a result,  Shirley  had  all  her stock seized, she  was  forced to sell her house  and  was  engaged in  long ,  stressful , fruitless  legal  action  to   get   compensation.

One of the spectacular art shows  she staged  in Darwin was the Harold Thomas 1989 " Grandeur of Light" Exhibition .  Thomas, from Alice Springs ,  designed the  Aboriginal flag . The exhibition was launched  by Lady Susan Renouf  , who had to be flown in  aboard  an  RAAF Hercules transport  because of  the  airline strike.   Shirley  had  advised  Lady  Renouf  to wear  fleecy lined underwear  because of  the  cold military plane . 

Flanked by Harold Thomas , centre , and  his son ,Josh, Shirley was snapped with  Lady  Renouf  and  the Northern Territory Administrator, Commodore  Eric  Johnson.

The prominent  British  Conservative  Party  identity,  Lord Alistair McAlpine,  bought the entire exhibition  for  his  Cable  Beach  resort in Broome, Western  Australia . 

Long suffering from cancer,   smiling  Shirley, on a walking frame , attended the June  launch   of  my book ,Big Jim, about the crusading  editor of   the Northern Territory News, Jim Bowditch  . The  funeral service  will take place  August 5 in the Salvation Army Chapel , Anula . 

UPCOMING : Remnants  from Shirley's  fabulous  life .



Photos  by  Rocky Vallis .


Australia  is  certain  to  win   several  gold  medals  in  two  highly  competitive  international  sporting  events -  stuffing   as   many  people   as  possible  into  a   telephone  booth  and  a  Volkswagen  

The   Australian  secret  is  to  use  small grandmothers  , above ,  locked up in aged care homes , who  are  midgets  because  they  are  not  fed  nourishing  tucker , as   revealed  in   the   Royal Commission .  

The  grannies are only too happy to escape the confines  of  the    homes  and  be  stuffed  into  a  grotty  telephone  box  and  or  a  cramped  Vee Dub.  Especially if  they  are  given  the  smell of  an oily rag  in a  doggie bag  as  a late  night  reward.  

The  exciting events , expected  to  be more popular than the Tour de France , will be  broadcast live on the  ABC , with Shaun  Micallef   and  the  Kraken  acting  as   zambucks.   

Organisers  of  the Australian   attempt  on the  records  are  deeply  concerned that  their   victory  plan  will  be ruined   by   Maggie Beer  organising proper,  regular  meals  for  grannies , such as  pickled   pheasant ,  caviar  ,  truffles , Barossa  burgers ,   even  allowing  them to come back  for seconds !

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


The former Northern Territory Chief Minister, Michael Gunner,  whose  Fannie Bay electorate  office  front  is   regularly taken over by  Humpty Doo Spices   during  the  popular  Saturday Parap  Market,  has   announced his retirement  from  politics   due  to  health  and   family reasons.

Without  a  dash of  Humpty Doo  condiments,  this  is what  the  front  of  the office , below,  usually  presents. 

Darwin's  colourful   markets   are  a  sight  to  behold  , offering  a   wide range of  food , drinks, massages , prints, cards  , plants , flowers, jewellery  . One  stall   specialises  in   cooked   octopus  The  long  queues  for  Laksa must  be  a  world record . 


If  you are into nuts , olde  style  lemonade  and a  vegan  as well , the  following stall, photographed being set up early in the day at  Palmerston ,will  tempt  you .  

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


 The  World  Health  Organisation  has  received  many suggestions   from  helpful  Australians   in  its  campaign  to find a   new  name  for  the  latest scourge-Monkeypox . WHO   spokesman  Ned  Tarzan  explained   that   Monkeypox   is  a  repulsive  moniker ,  which could  ruin  the  massive made  in  China  pet  monkey  toy  industry  if   not   quickly  changed. 

Parents  would  not  buy  toy monkeys  for  their  children if  Monkeypox  kept grabbing  the  headlines, frightening  the  community . 

This , he added, would almost certainly result   in  the  Chinese   turning more South China  Sea sandbanks into  large  island military bases , built up with   dumped  , unwanted  and   orphaned  monks.     

Therefore, a more  PC  name , not  including Monkey , was  urgently   required  . Tarzan   revealed  that  numerous   new  suggestions for  a  replacement   nomenclature  had   been  received from Australians  keen to improve   the  image   of   sick simians .

These  include :  Coalition  Canker , ScoMo  Clap , Billy  Bombax  Disease , National   Hillbilly  Hives,  Dutton's Dimples ,  Barcoo  Rot ,  Barnaby's Blather, Hanson's   Disease , Putin's  Putrid  Puss   and   Myanmar Mutation.


 From  two  correspondents , our Shipping Reporter  received  the latest  interesting  list  from  Melbourne  book  dealer  Gaston Renard  with   73    Darwiniana   offerings , the  above  1978  one  published  by the  British  Broadcasting  Corporation, $40.

Darwin's  supportive   wife , Emma ,   is  the subject  of  the  above   2001 book , also $40. There  are  several  dealing  with   Darwin's  writings on   coral  reefs , the one illustrated   below  $85.  

Sunday, July 24, 2022


 Water, water  everywhere - and  a   new drop  to drink  on  Magnetic Island.  Our waterfront  roundsman journeyed to Townsville's Jewel in the Crown on Friday for  the first day of   trading  at the new    Magnetic Island   Brewery in the Picnic  Bay  Arcade  .  It   was  so  busy  and   noisy ,  he  said  it   reminded   him  of  his school holidays  , during six  o'clock closing,  when   he   sipped   squash    with  Crealy  Brothers    truckies   in  a   Sydney   pub  near    Central  Railway , experiencing   life  in  its  many   frothy  forms . The boutique  brewery  produces several brews  , one  with a certain  Germanic  taste , so  you could end up  slapping  your  lederhosen  in  a  scene  from  a Chevy Chase  National  Lampoon  movie.  There  is  a   good range  of   pub   tucker .

Saturday, July 23, 2022


 As a result of  Little Darwin's recent  photographic  post on  Darwin's Chinese temple  , local resident , Bob White , with  a swag of  interesting  stories  to   tell ,  sent   an  email  with   photographs   and   details of  a brass  Chinese  joss stick holder  he  inherited from  his father , who  had   been  a   buffalo   shooter. 

Bob said there are two theories about the origin of the  object -that it  came from  the  Darwin  Chinese   temple  that  was ransacked  and  burnt   during WWll,  or  the  Pine Creek  temple  which  might have  experienced  the  same   fate.

He felt it could have come from Pine Creek  because his father had been a buffalo shooter between the East and South Alligator rivers  after the war, connected  with  Jimmy  Ah Toy whose  business interests  included a  well known  store   in  the  town. 

His father had operated from a  depot  with a nearby  Aboriginal camp ,near Patonga, later  said  to have  been sold to  Alan  Alexander Stewart, the so called  Great  White  Hunter, mentioned  in  this  blog.  . 

Buffaloes  were  shot in  the  spine   from  horseback so  that they became paralysed   and  were    later   skinned  for  their  hide.

 In an attempt to  find out information about  the  object,  Bob White  got Darwin's  Chung  Wah Society  to send it  to China . It  was sent back  with the  advice that   it was  ancient, with symbols dating from pre 1700-1800.

 It has what appears to be  a rising sun phallic symbol  between  two  dragons  and  also   a  swastika like  mark. 

The extent of  the Chinese involvement in the Northern Territory, especially Pine Creek ,  is  indicated  in  this  photograph  displayed  in   Darwin .  

 NOTE : It is intended to run some of  Bob's  interesting stories  which  include  an  uncle  who  found  the uranium  which led to the   Rum Jungle  mine,  another  relative who worked on a Queensland lighthouse  and   Bob's  memories  of  schooldays  in  Townsville, working  in  the  Northern Territory News  as  a  proofreader. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022


 Without  mainstream  media  apparently  noticing , the  death  took  place in  Darwin  recently of  Antonio  Maia , believed to be  in  his  late 90s,  who  during  WWll  helped Australian commandos  in  East Timor   and   later   gave  evidence  in  Tokyo   of  Japanese   atrocities  carried  out  in  what  was   then  a  Portuguese   colony.

He is shown above , a  Free  East Timor button  on  the  turned up  brim of his hat,  joking   with   John "Paddy "   Kenneally,  with  a broad Irish brogue, an outspoken supporter of the  East Timor struggle for freedom ,   who  had  been  a  commando  in  East   Timor .

At  the  funeral service  for  Maia , Darwin agronomist Robert  Wesley-Smith, a  strong supporter of  East Timor since the  l970s  ,  honoured  by the East Timor  regime ,  presented  a  eulogy .

After the service,  held in the Holy Family Catholic  Church , Wesley-Smith provided this blog  with  background  information  on  and   photographs of  Maia ,

The  above photo  shows  Antonio  holding a   carving  for  a sacred  East Timor  house  built  on  Wesley-Smith's rural property in Darwin to  highlight the  East Timor struggle.  It  was transported south in a shipping container  and  somehow  was   eventually lost  in  Sydney , without anyone  knowing  how ,  or  where  it  ended   up . 

 With  the  help of a Sydney doctor, the late   Andrew  McNaughtan, another strong  supporter of  East Timor,  Antonio  and  his wife, Veronica Pereira,  travelled   to  Tokyo  and gave evidence at a War Crimes Compensation Forum, below .

Nobel Peace  Prize  recipient  Jose Ramos Horta  said   McNaughtan , who worked  in the Katherine Hospital  , south of Darwin ,  had played   a  big part  in the  long, bloody  struggle. At great risk to his life, he   had  gone to East  Timor  in the l980s and 90s  with a camera  and captured the   situation under  the  oppressive  Indonesian  army. The film had been smuggled out  to  the  world  . 

Wesley-Smith  has  a copy of an interview  Dr  McNaughtan  had  with Antonio in which he  outlined   how  as  a young man he had   helped the Australian  commandos  in  East Timor  and   detailed the many atrocities carried  out  against  the  people  by  the  Japanese ,often for helping the Australian soldiers.   

On one  occasion , Wesley-Smith  and  Dr McNaughtan  went to East Timor to celebrate  the country's  newly won freedom . Sharing a bedroom there ,  Dr McNaughtan warned  Wes  that  people had  told him ( McNaughtan ) that he snored   a  lot , and   that  he  might  be disturbed.

Wes  was  forced to  flee   the  bedroom  because of  the  deafening  snoring. In the morning , he  told  McNaughtan  that  he  had a  dire medical problem .

 The medico laughed at  his  diagnosis . However, Wes  said  he himself had undergone a  bypass because of cholesterol , and he reckoned Andrew  was   clogged  up   with  the  stuff. 

In any case, Dr McNaughtan  died  soon  after,  aged 50.


 Shipping  Reporter  makes  unusual   find  

The  above 2004  book  dealing  with  the  2001 tragedy in which more than 400 asylum seekers  set out from  Indonesia  in an unseaworthy boat for  Australia  was   found on  Magnetic Island .   It  contains  various  related inserts   , margin  notes  and  underlining of  text , and  expresses   indignation  at  the handling of the  tragedy , which  included  the controversial  claim  that  children  were  deliberately   thrown   overboard .

A  handwritten  note  at  the  bottom of  a  page expresses the hope that one day a sailor from the Royal Australian  Navy will  tell  what  really  happened . Underlined  on  the  back cover  blurb  is  the author's claim that nothing less than a comprehensive  judicial enquiry into the sinking of SIEV  X will suffice  if  Australia   is  to  regain  its  national  honour . 

There are  stapled  in  related newspaper  cuttings  , including the  following  article by Laurie Oakes ,  illustrated  with   a  Cook cartoon . 

Another  cutting relating to the  Bali bombing  highlights the fact that  two weeks before the attack , which claimed   the lives of  88  Australians  , Australian authorities  were warned  about  an Indonesian chemist  and engineer  who could  be  involved  in  plotting  attacks  on "sin spots".   It goes on to say that documents relating to that alert  and intelligence authorities '  knowledge of  terror activities  in  the lead up to the October 12 Bali attack  were the subject of an unprecedented action  against   The  Australian  newspaper in Sydney .Three Australian Federal Police  agents  raided  the   offices  of  editor-in-chief  Chris Mitchell and investigations   editor Natalie O'Brien.  

The title page of  the book bears the   handwritten  name  of the  late  Val Noble ,Townsville, 2004, with  a telephone number . A member of the  ALP , very interested in politics,  she  lived  on Magnetic  Island  for  years , and  each day liked  going to a  coffee  shop  with  The  Australian . In  discussions  with this writer, she mentioned her  West Australian connections ,  the  late  Australian cartoonist  Paul  Rigby  and  the  Limp  Fallers'  Association  of   Perth.     

Wednesday, July 20, 2022



An  Amnesty  International    rally  in  support  of  Julian  Assange , calling for him to be" brought home" to Magnetic Island,  is  to  be held  on the Picnic Bay Jetty  ,3pm   this  Saturday . 

There are  strong supporters of Assange on the island, where he once lived,  as this 2012 photograph  shows , some of whom  have written to  him while imprisoned in  London.

In  Darwin,  veteran  activist and civil rights campaigner ,  Robert Wesley-Smith, calling for the  Australian government to  make strong representations  on  behalf  of  Assange, was  snapped  next  to his  car  bearing  a  free  Julian Assange   sticker.  He is  using  his  considerable network   to   spread   the  call for   action. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022



During WWll the temple  was locked  down and looted, reopened in the late l950s,has  an associated museum  and Chung  Wah  Society .  


Townsville .Shipping Reporter photograph.